Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The painting

of Drew on the wall scares me sometimes.

Monday, April 20, 2009


Okay Elijah now has two little teethers popping out and they are extremly sharp!


leave me alone I am busy typing. You need a bath btw....:)

Friday, April 17, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Whats eating

Gilbert Grape is a awesome movie...

Monday, April 13, 2009

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Unleavened bread

that Daniel's grandma makes is the best I have ever had!!!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009


has his first tooth!!!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Right now

I feel really confused and uncertain....:(

Monday, April 6, 2009

purple spraypaint

on a tree apparently means no trespassing...did not know that.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Friday, April 3, 2009

Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday the 13th

Don't go to camp crystal lake! :)

Friday the 13th

Don't go to camp crystal lake! :)


are fat, yellow, fuzzy, and cute. I want to catch one and put it on a leash. Buuzzzzzzzzzzz!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


i really miss the video tapes. they didn't get scratched and they were easier to fast forward.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Yellow bumblebee song

Hello blueboy fly away sing your blue opera song. Bllluuueeehoooohooohoooohoooohooooo!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

long test

just took my math mid-term. it was really hard and took forever! i think i did decent, but i should have studied more.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Tired of blogging!

Remembering to blog everyday is really hard 4 me 4 some reason. Don't know why. I really don't like doing it as much as i did in the beginning. That's that.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Why has no one in my family seen the Never ending Story? It is so good! I used to watch it all the time as a kid, although the wolf kinda scared me. I think I am going to buy it and make the whole family watch it and see what their missing.

Monday, February 23, 2009

green veggies

well elijah is now 5 months old! he has discovered that when he eats his food he can spit it out. he finds this really funny. i have discovered that he does not like green veggies. each time i have given him green beans and peas he spits them out and gags.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Never-ending story

Jeez i haven't blogged in for ever. So now i am. That's all i have to say about that.

Saturday, January 31, 2009


Okay most of the time my in-law are fine, but today the were not. For one I can not stand my sister in-law. She looks down on everyone and talks rudely to everyone in front of them and behind their backs. Then there is the step dad in-law he is never wrong about anything, or so he thinks. He also just makes random crap up. For example I said, "I don't know why Arthur is a aardvark(its a PBS TV show) he has no long nose." He said, "Well there are six different types of aardvarks. He must be a short nosed breed." I am in not way a aardvark expert, but an aardvark is like a anteater so they need a long nose. Anyways I'm just rambling because my cool sister in-law just told me that my rude sister in-law and step dad in-law were rudely commenting on how my husband and I raise our son. Just needed to let off some steam and blogging seems like a good ways to do it. I feel sorry for the people who read this crap lol.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


I applied for a job at a pet supply store back in November and I get a call today saying that they are hiring and want me to come in for a interview! I am so excited and nervous at the same time. Having a little extra spending money and a job working around pets would be really awesome. So hopefully the interview goes well on Monday.

Friday, January 23, 2009


I think I have found my passion. Risk is like chess on steriods. I absolutly love it!!! It sounded really complicated and hard when my husband and his buddies where trying to explain it to me, but after the first game I got hooked. If there was a job to be a professional risker like a professional gamer I would definatley make a career out of it.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

My Little Bird

Well I just started my four month old son,Elijah, on cereal. It was a very nice experiance and eye opener on just how much of a lil' piggy I have(he takes after his mama lol). It was like he immediatley knew how to eat from a spoon. He did not try to push it out of his mouth or act confused, he woofed it down like he had been waiting for something besides milk forever. I think it lookes and smells quite gross, but he loves it. If I take to long getting the cereal on the spoon, he kicks his little leggies and flings his arms. I never imagined that something so little like his first laugh or his first cereal would be so awesome for me.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Ultimate Jedi!!!

I would definitely say that Yoda is the ultimate Jedi!!!!!! And the cutest one too with those little green ears. I think I just love green things though. Like good ol' Kermit the frog. Does anyone remember that Disney series called 'dinosaurs'? The little pink baby dinosaur would hit his dad with a frying pan and say,"Not tha mama!". That was a awesome show along with Lamb chop. I really miss those shows!

Blogger, blogger everywhere but not a drop to drink!

I went to the OTC bookstore today to buy my PSY and PSL books and my access key for my online class and they were all out of everything. Tear. Hopefully they will be in next week sometimes. If alligators were tame I would for sure have one. There was a baby alligator released in Lake Springfield that was rescued about two months ago. Or I would want pygmy hippopotamus. I love spellcheck!! I really want to play Fable right now. Man Im about a nerd. Hi Daniel. Quit reading my unfinished post and making fun of me. Blogging is kinda fun randomness. Better than keeping a journal though.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Say Hello To My Little Friend

OK so I have this crazy, but wonderful, creature called a ferret. Her name is Panda and she is about a year old. I have never had a ferret before her and did not know quite what to expect. I thought ferrets where more like guinea pigs. Well I was wrong. Ferrets have so much more personality than an old guinea pig. They seem to have the best characteristics of dogs and cats only crazy. Anyways I'm sitting on the couch today watching some TV show, when out of the corner of my eye I see Panda on top of the recliner. The back of the recliner is about a foot away from the bar, so Panda got the bright idea to try to jump from the recliner to the bar. Lets just say her mission failed miserably. She leaped with all her ferret might but just couldn't make it. She hit her chin on the edge of the bar and did about three flips before she hit the ground. But the great thing about ferrets is nothing seems to faze them. She just picked herself up and hopped away to get into some more ferret mischief like stealing socks or weasiling into my dresser. Sometimes I wish I was as carefree as that furry little creature.

Monday, January 12, 2009

yellow wallpaper

the ivy on the wall turns and twist like a snake being scorched
as the yellow wallpaper tears a red brick wall is revealed
but it not real...
the blue, purple, and white sqaures stand there motionless
just starring
four black figures on all white
once so alive and carefree
now just there
one figure was never painted
but why?

not enough light
but thats fine too
the carousel is still and fragile
it is always dark here
eyes strain
brother so close but yet so far away
decorate the walls
but why?

soft tapping on a black keyboard
alone in thoughts and dreams
mind scrambling for answers
will they be found
only one thing can truly tell