Saturday, January 31, 2009


Okay most of the time my in-law are fine, but today the were not. For one I can not stand my sister in-law. She looks down on everyone and talks rudely to everyone in front of them and behind their backs. Then there is the step dad in-law he is never wrong about anything, or so he thinks. He also just makes random crap up. For example I said, "I don't know why Arthur is a aardvark(its a PBS TV show) he has no long nose." He said, "Well there are six different types of aardvarks. He must be a short nosed breed." I am in not way a aardvark expert, but an aardvark is like a anteater so they need a long nose. Anyways I'm just rambling because my cool sister in-law just told me that my rude sister in-law and step dad in-law were rudely commenting on how my husband and I raise our son. Just needed to let off some steam and blogging seems like a good ways to do it. I feel sorry for the people who read this crap lol.

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